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Retrieving Records

Pynautobot\'s <pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint>{.interpreted-text role="py:class"} objects also provide mechanisms to retrieve the Records <pynautobot.core.response.Record>{.interpreted-text role="py:class"} stored in the Nautobot database. The ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint.get{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"} method can be used to retrieve a single Record <Terminology>. The most common way to use this method is to pass keyword arguments mapping the Record\'s fields <Terminology> with its value, such as name="Access Switch".

>>> nautobot = api(url=url, token=token)
>>> roles = nautobot.extras.roles
>>> # Show getting a record using a keyword argument
>>> access_role = roles.get(name="Access Switch")


Multiple keyword arguments can be supplied if needed to uniquely identify a single entry.

The ~pynautobot.core.response.Record{.interpreted-text role="py:class"} object returned by the ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint.get{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"} method is the same object that was returned from the ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint.create{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"} method in Creating Records{.interpreted-text role="ref"}.

'Access Switch'
>>> access_role.description
>>> # Show that the primary key has the same value from create object

The ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint.all{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"} method is useful for retrieving all Records of the Model <Terminology>.

>>> nautobot = api(url=url, token=token)
>>> roles = nautobot.extras.roles
>>> # Show retrieving all Role Records
>>> all_roles = roles.all()
>>> first_3_roles = all_roles[:3]
>>> first_3_roles
[<pynautobot.core.response.Record ('loopback') at 0x7f65000837d0>, <pynautobot.core.response.Record ('mgmt') at 0x7f6500084090>, <pynautobot.core.response.Record ('point-to-point') at 0x7f650007de10>]
>>> # Show that the returned objects are record instances
>>> for role in first_3_roles:
...     print(f"Role {} has an ID of: {}")
Role loopback has an ID of: 866eaed3-2d12-49f8-9702-7dc1c2f3b053
Role mgmt has an ID of: a1b9bb07-da6d-458a-8fd5-bf1f993da85a
Role point-to-point has an ID of: f3d0ac02-23d0-4b2d-9f2b-afd4875f5f0f


Some Models might have large number of Records, which could potentially take longer to load and consume a large amount of memory.