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Creating a Pynautobot Instance

To start using pynautobot, instantiate an ~pynautobot.core.api.Api object, passing in the proper URL and a valid Token. The code sample below assumes that the token has been stored as an environment variable, and uses the builtin os module to retrieve it.


To display dictionaries or other objects in examples, the pprint package is used. To install it run pip install pprint.

>>> import os
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from pynautobot import api
>>> url = ""
>>> # Retrieve token from system environment variable
>>> # token = os.environ["NAUTOBOT_TOKEN"]
>>> token = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
>>> nautobot = api(url=url, token=token)
>>> nautobot
<pynautobot.core.api.Api object at ...>


Creating a token in Nautobot.

Nautobot Info and Apps

The nautobot object returned above is the main entrypoint to interact with the Nautobot REST API. This object provides access to general information about the Nautobot system, and the core Apps <Terminology> and Plugins <Terminology>.

The core Apps are:

  • dcim
  • ipam
  • circuits
  • tenancy
  • extras
  • virtualization
  • users
>>> nautobot = api(url=url, token=token)
>>> # View version of Nautobot
>>> nautobot.version
>>> # View various details about Nautobot
>>> pprint(nautobot.status())
{'celery-workers-running': 0,
 'django-version': '3.2.21',
 'installed-apps': {'constance': '2.9.1',
                    'constance.backends.database': None,
                    'corsheaders': None,
                    'db_file_storage': None,
                    'debug_toolbar': '4.1.0',
                    'django.contrib.admin': None,
                    'django.contrib.auth': None,
                    'django.contrib.contenttypes': None,
                    'django.contrib.humanize': None,
                    'django.contrib.messages': None,
                    'django.contrib.sessions': None,
                    'django.contrib.staticfiles': None,
                    'django_ajax_tables': None,
                    'django_celery_beat': '2.5.0..',
                    'django_celery_results': '2.4.0..',
                    'django_extensions': '3.2.3',
                    'django_filters': '23.1',
                    'django_jinja': '',
                    'django_prometheus': '2.3.1',
                    'django_tables2': '2.6.0',
                    'drf_spectacular': '0.26.3',
                    'drf_spectacular_sidecar': '2023.9.1',
                    'example_plugin': '1.0.0',
                    'graphene_django': '2.16.0',
                    'health_check': None,
                    '': None,
                    'nautobot.circuits': None,
                    'nautobot.core': None,
                    'nautobot.dcim': None,
                    'nautobot.extras': None,
                    'nautobot.extras.tests.example_plugin_dependency': None,
                    'nautobot.ipam': None,
                    'nautobot.tenancy': None,
                    'nautobot.users': None,
                    'nautobot.virtualization': None,
                    'rest_framework': '3.14.0',
                    'social_django': '5.2.0',
                    'taggit': '4.0.0',
                    'timezone_field': '5.1'},
 'nautobot-version': '2.0.0',
 'plugins': {'example_plugin': '1.0.0'},
 'python-version': '3.8.18'}
>>> # Show that the dcim app is available
>>> nautobot.dcim
< object at ...>

The main purpose of{.interpreted-text role="py:class"} objects is to provide access to Models <Terminology> and their data.


Pynautobot objects will treat all unknown attributes as Endpoints <pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint>{.interpreted-text role="py:class"}. The ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint class is used to represent Models in Nautobot. For example, the Nautobot DCIM App contains Models, such as: Devices, Platforms, and Roles. The pynautobot dcim{.interpreted-text role="py:class"} does not provide attributes to represent these Models, however, ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint{.interpreted-text role="py:class"} objects are created upon attribute access.

The code sample below shows that Models do not exist in the nautobot.dcim attribute dictionary, but the devices Model is still accessible from it.

>>> nautobot = api(url=url, token=token)
>>> # Show that the devices attribute does not exist on the dcim object
>>> pprint(nautobot.dcim.__dict__)
{'_choices': None,
 'api': <pynautobot.core.api.Api object at ...>,
 'model': <module 'pynautobot.models.dcim' from '/opt/ntc/nautobot/pynautobot/pynautobot/models/'>,
 'name': 'dcim'}
>>> # Show that the devices attribute is accessible and
>>> # is an Endpoint object corresponding to the Devices Model
>>> devices = nautobot.dcim.devices
>>> devices
<pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint object at ...>
>>> devices.url


Since Models are evaluated lazily, using the builtin dir and help functions on the Apps will not provide any information regarding the available Models.

Some Models in Nautobot have names that contain more than a single word. In order to access these Models, the names should be joined with an underscore. The above example of Roles would use roles. Pynautobot will automatically convert the underscore into a hyphen for access to the Nautobot API endpoint.

>>> nautobot = api(url=url, token=token)
>>> # Show using an underscore to access Models with multi-word names.
>>> roles = nautobot.extras.roles
>>> # Show that the URL converts the underscore to a hyphen
>>> roles.url


Attributes are not checked against the Nautobot API, so misspelled or non-existent Models will not raise an Exception until a CRUD operation is attempted on the returned object.

For example, calling nautobot.dcim.device (missing the trailing s) will return an ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint object. However, the URL assigned to the Endpoint will not be a valid Nautobot API endpoint, and performing any CRUD operations against that URL will result in an Exception being raised.