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Interacting With A Record

We already know that we can access attributes on the record, but what else can we do?


You\'re able to run the normal NAPALM integrations as long as all the prerequisites are taken care of.

Here we can run the get_facts getter.

>>> device1.napalm.list(method='get_facts')
{"get_facts": {"interface_list": ["ge-0/0/0"]}}

Accessing Field Data


Instead of accessing the device and only receiving the name, you can use the serialize()<pynautobot.core.response.Record.serialize>{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"} to view a near dictionary like structure.

>>> import json
>>> print(json.dumps(device1.serialize(), indent=4))
    "id": "86924375-4b50-4f95-a1c7-99896ab03307",
    "object_type": "dcim.device",
    "display": "hq-access-01",
    "url": "http://nautobot:8080/api/dcim/devices/86924375-4b50-4f95-a1c7-99896ab03307/",
    "natural_slug": "hq-access-01__hq_8692",
    "face": null,
    "local_config_context_data": null,
    "local_config_context_data_owner_object_id": null,
    "name": "hq-access-01",
    "serial": "",
    "asset_tag": null,
    "position": null,
    "device_redundancy_group_priority": null,
    "vc_position": null,
    "vc_priority": null,
    "comments": "",
    "local_config_context_schema": null,
    "local_config_context_data_owner_content_type": null,
    "device_type": "a99de3bf-9a81-4645-9828-b00866de94a5",
    "status": "44a25fa2-ee88-47ed-b004-4dd36e54706f",
    "role": "ca552e01-bb63-4742-be5c-d27e62ae3e50",
    "tenant": null,
    "platform": null,
    "location": "fb720cca-ee59-4b76-9322-dfbbdaa5d052",
    "rack": null,
    "primary_ip4": null,
    "primary_ip6": null,
    "cluster": null,
    "virtual_chassis": null,
    "device_redundancy_group": null,
    "secrets_group": null,
    "created": "2023-09-30T07:56:23.664150Z",
    "last_updated": "2023-09-30T07:56:23.664168Z",
    "tags": [],
    "notes_url": "http://nautobot:8080/api/dcim/devices/86924375-4b50-4f95-a1c7-99896ab03307/notes/",
    "custom_fields": {},
    "parent_bay": null

You may have noticed that any field that is a foreign key relationship only provides the ID. We need to cast to a dictionary to see the actual sub keys.

>>> print(json.dumps(dict(device1), indent=4))
    "id": "86924375-4b50-4f95-a1c7-99896ab03307",
    "object_type": "dcim.device",
    "display": "hq-access-01",
    "url": "http://nautobot:8080/api/dcim/devices/86924375-4b50-4f95-a1c7-99896ab03307/",
    "natural_slug": "hq-access-01__hq_8692",
    "face": null,
    "local_config_context_data": null,
    "local_config_context_data_owner_object_id": null,
    "name": "hq-access-01",
    "serial": "",
    "asset_tag": null,
    "position": null,
    "device_redundancy_group_priority": null,
    "vc_position": null,
    "vc_priority": null,
    "comments": "",
    "local_config_context_schema": null,
    "local_config_context_data_owner_content_type": null,
    "device_type": {
        "id": "a99de3bf-9a81-4645-9828-b00866de94a5",
        "object_type": "dcim.devicetype",
        "url": "http://nautobot:8080/api/dcim/device-types/a99de3bf-9a81-4645-9828-b00866de94a5/"
    "status": {
        "id": "44a25fa2-ee88-47ed-b004-4dd36e54706f",
        "object_type": "extras.status",
        "url": "http://nautobot:8080/api/extras/statuses/44a25fa2-ee88-47ed-b004-4dd36e54706f/",
        "display": "Active",
        "natural_slug": "active_44a2",
        "content_types": [
        "name": "Active",
        "color": "4caf50",
        "description": "Unit is active",
        "created": "2023-09-30T00:00:00Z",
        "last_updated": "2023-09-30T06:06:44.559130Z",
        "notes_url": "http://nautobot:8080/api/extras/statuses/44a25fa2-ee88-47ed-b004-4dd36e54706f/notes/",
        "custom_fields": {}
    "role": {
        "id": "ca552e01-bb63-4742-be5c-d27e62ae3e50",
        "object_type": "extras.role",
        "url": "http://nautobot:8080/api/extras/roles/ca552e01-bb63-4742-be5c-d27e62ae3e50/"
    "tenant": null,
    "platform": null,
    "location": {
        "id": "fb720cca-ee59-4b76-9322-dfbbdaa5d052",
        "object_type": "dcim.location",
        "url": "http://nautobot:8080/api/dcim/locations/fb720cca-ee59-4b76-9322-dfbbdaa5d052/"
    "rack": null,
    "primary_ip4": null,
    "primary_ip6": null,
    "cluster": null,
    "virtual_chassis": null,
    "device_redundancy_group": null,
    "secrets_group": null,
    "created": "2023-09-30T07:56:23.664150Z",
    "last_updated": "2023-09-30T07:56:23.664168Z",
    "tags": [],
    "notes_url": "http://nautobot:8080/api/dcim/devices/86924375-4b50-4f95-a1c7-99896ab03307/notes/",
    "custom_fields": {},
    "parent_bay": null

Record Hashes and Equality Comparison

Record Hash

The hash of a record is made from a combination of the name of the endpoint and its ID. If the ID does not exist, then it will be a hash of only the endpoint name. If an ID does exist then the hash will be of the tuple representing [(, id)]{.title-ref}.

Equality Comparison

If there are two objects that represent the same device, but an update is made to a field other than the name or the ID, then a equals comparison will return True, even though there is a different data point.

>>> # Assign hq-access-01 to device1, then to device2
>>> device1 = nautobot.dcim.devices.get(name="hq-access-01")
>>> device2 = nautobot.dcim.devices.get(name="hq-access-01")
>>> device1 == device2
>>> device2.platform
Cisco IOS
# Change the platform
>>> device2.platform = "Cisco NXOS"
>>> device2.platform
'Cisco NXOS'
# Compare the devices, since the ID nor the 
>>> device1 == device2

A comparison can be made on individual attributes of an object:

>>> device1.platform == device2.platform