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Quickstart Guide

The pynautobot package is a Python SDK for retrieving and managing data in Nautobot. The following demonstrates how to connect to and interact with the Nautobot REST API.


Apps: The root level interfaces in Nautobot (IPAM, DCIM, etc.). Apps are represented by the class.

Models: The second level interfaces in Nautobot (IP Addresses Devices, etc.). Models correspond to tables in the Nautobot database, are represented by the pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint class.

Endpoint: The class that represents Models.

Records: The rows associated with a Model\'s database table. Records hold the data stored in Nautobot. Records are represented by the pynautobot.core.response.Record class.

Entries: See Records.

Fields: The column names associated with a Model's database table. pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint objects use these as keyword arguments for some methods objects use these as attribute names.

Plugins: Additional [Apps]{.title-ref} added added to the Nautobot deployment that are external to provided Nautobot package.