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Retrieving Objects From Nautobot

The ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint{.interpreted-text role="py:class"} class provides three methods for retrieving ~pynautobot.core.response.Record objects from Nautobot.

  • The ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint.get{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"} method is used to get a single Record.
  • The ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint.filter{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"} method will return a list of Records.
  • The ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint.all{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"} method will return all Records for the Model.

Using the Get Method

The Retrieving Records sections shows how to use the ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint.get{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"} method by passing in keyword arguments. Another way to retrieve a Record <Terminology> is by passing in the value of the PK, which is the ID for most objects.

>>> device = nautobot.dcim.devices.get('2302f2a1-2ed4-4ac9-a43a-285c95190071')
>>> device.status
>>> device.device_type
>>> device.role
<pynautobot.core.response.Record ('Active') at ...>


If an entry with the specified value for the PK does not exist, then None in the above example.

When using the ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint.get{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"} method with keyword arguments, the keyword arguments must match only a single Record. If multiple Records are matched, then a ValueError is raised.

>>> device = nautobot.dcim.devices.get(device_type="c9300-48")
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: get() returned more than one result.
Check that the kwarg(s) passed are valid for this endpoint
or use filter() or all() instead.

Using the Filter Method

The error message from the previous example suggests to use the ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint.filter{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"} method. Using this method will return a list of ~pynautobot.core.response.Record instances; one for each matching record. This method also supports:

  • filtering a single field <Terminology>{.interpreted-text role="ref"} with multiple values
  • filtering based on custom fields
  • filtering with lookup expressions

Basic Usage

The simplest usage of the ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint.filter{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"} method is to pass keyword arguments with single values. The previous example raised an exception using the ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint.get{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"} method, but will return all matches using ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint.filter{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"}.

>>> # Get all c9300-48 devices
>>> devices = nautobot.dcim.devices.filter(device_type="c9300-48")
>>> # Show a list of Records are returned
>>> pprint(devices)
[<pynautobot.models.dcim.Devices ('hq-access-01') at ...>,
 <pynautobot.models.dcim.Devices ('hq-access-02') at ...>,
 <pynautobot.models.dcim.Devices ('hq-access-03') at ...>,
 <pynautobot.models.dcim.Devices ('hq-access-04') at ...>]
>>> # Show accessing data from the first c9300-48 device
>>> device1 = devices[0]
>>> device1.status
<pynautobot.core.response.Record ('Active') at ...>

Filtering with OR logic

The ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint.filter{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"} method allows using an OR condition by passing in a list of values to match against the field. The example below gets all devices located in either Location HQ or DC.

>>> # There are 100 devices total
>>> nautobot.dcim.devices.count()
>>> # There are 20 DC devices
>>> dev_dc_location = nautobot.dcim.devices.filter(location="DC")
>>> len(dev_dc_location)
>>> # There are 5 HQ devices
>>> dev_hq_location = nautobot.dcim.devices.filter(location="HQ")
>>> len(dev_hq_location)
# The filter method will grab all devices in both locations
>>> dev_hq_dc_locations = nautobot.dcim.devices.filter(location=["HQ", "DC"])
>>> len(dev_hq_dc_locations)

Filtering based on a Custom Field

Nautobot provides Custom Fields as a way of extending a Model's <Terminology>{.interpreted-text role="ref"} fields. These fields can be referenced in the API by appending [cf_]{.title-ref} to the field\'s name. The below example has a custom field named owner, which is used to filter the devices by passing the cf_owner keyword argument.

>>> devices = nautobot.dcim.devices.filter(cf_owner="John Smith")
>>> devices
[<pynautobot.models.dcim.Devices ('switch0') at ...>,
 <pynautobot.models.dcim.Devices ('switch1') at ...>]
>>> # Show device has an owner of "John Smith"
>>> devices[0].custom_fields["owner"]
'John Smith'

Filtering with Lookup Expressions

The Nautobot API uses Lookup Expressions to filter using something other than the exact matches that have been used so far. There are several expressions that can be used; they generally cover things like:

  • greater than
  • less than
  • not equal
  • starts with
  • contains
  • case insensitivity

The example below shows how use negation with __n. From the previous examples, there are 100 devices total, and 25 are located in either the [DC]{.title-ref} or [HQ]{.title-ref} location. Using location__n to get the negation of these locations returns 75 devices.

>>> devices = nautobot.dcim.devices.filter(location__n=["HQ", "DC"])
>>> len(devices)
>>> # Show the device is not in either HQ or DC location
>>> devices[0].location
<pynautobot.core.response.Record ('branch1') at 0x7f650006df50>

Using the All Method

The ~pynautobot.core.endpoint.Endpoint.all{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"} is used to get all records of a specific endpoint. This will return a list of all ~pynautobot.core.response.Record objects for the specific Endpoint.

>>> devices = nautobot.dcim.devices.all()
>>> len(devices)
>>> device1 = devices[0]
>>> device1.status

The following two pages cover interacting with the returned ~pynautobot.core.response.Record objects. The next page covers additional Update operations, which is followed by a discussion of other features and methods.